The family that plays together . . .

Several weeks ago Coach and I decided that we wanted to do something for Flyboy's 18th birthday that would create a memory. With him going to the academy in June, there really is not much he wants or needs for his birthday other than a couple of pair of combat boots, which he was able to get at freshmen orientation earlier this month. With Backman's birthday just six days later, it seemed to be a perfect time for a big outing. We wanted to surprise them with something they would never guess and so after putting our heads together we decided to take them kayaking off Tybee Island. Coach called and made the arrangements and we were set. Then it got even better and Volleyball girl had some certification that she needed to obtain that was being done on the break between semesters and so she would be home on the designated day of the trip. We told the team to set the day aside and left it at that. It has been fun over the past few weeks to see the guesses that have come in.

The big morning arrived this past Saturday, and we headed off with our lunch and bocce and our befuddled team. The guesses kept coming as we were driving and finally as we headed across the bridge to Tybee Island a frustrated Backman exclaimed "You told us we weren't going to play at the beach today!" Minutes later as we pulled into the parking lot they figured it out and the excitement escalated just a wee bit.

Coach headed into the office to take care of the financial arrangements while the rest of us lathered up with sunscreen. We could not have ordered a more perfect day if we'd been given the opportunity. The temperature was perfect with just a bit of a southeastern breeze to keep the bugs away. We loaded up in the van with the kayaks behind and headed for the beach. After helping unload the equipment, we got situated and waited for our guide, Shane, to park the van after dropping of the other boats we had brought over. Here we are ready and waiting: Backman ready to go

Coach helping me straighten
things out, as usual

Flyboy still scratching
his head in

Finally, everything was ready and we headed out. We started at the marina on the southside of Tybee Island and headed across towards Little Tybee Island. It was absolutely gorgeous and a lot of fun to sit at the back paddling while watching my team having so much fun. Once we got across the open we headed into the marsh to explore. We've often looked out over the marshes since moving here two years ago and there are times when they are breathtaking - like in the early morning as a layer of fog hovers just above them at sunrise. However, most of the time they are just marshes. This was a whole new experience to be in among them. Flyboy summed it up well when he said, "I never knew the part of Georgia existed." It was more like exploring a maze. The open channel serpentined through marsh. Personalities really came through here. Flyboy was out in the lead in awe. Backman on his own took up the rear, making sure that Volleyball girl and I (mainly just me) were taken care of and did not get left behind. Very patiently he would guide us through the turns. Backman taking up the rear

Just around the river bend . . .
Flyboy enjoying himself

We saw some awesome wildlife. After winding through
the marsh a bit, we came around a bend and there was an enormous osprey nest high in a tree with the osprey perched watching high in the next tree over.

Osprey perched high in the
tree keeping watch

Osprey nest taken from a distance

After exploring for a while we turned around and headed back for a sandy beach we had passed earlier. We beached our kayaks and stopped for a bit of a break and some lunch before heading back into the wind to cross the open water to the marina and beach.

After a welcomed break, we launched our kayaks again and began the journey back to the marina.

My oh-so-serious team
Volleyball girl, Flyboy (in diguise with the facial
hair and aviators) and Backman

After loading all the gear back up, the van returned us to our car, happy, sunburned and tired. We loaded up and headed down to Tybee beach for a bit more fun. We had not been able to find our bocce game after moves until a couple of months ago. Everyone wanted to get some good bocce time in before heading home. We spent a few hours at the beach having some fun and then headed to Jalepeno's (Flyboy's birthday choice) for some dinner before heading home.

With the team venturing out, these days now happen few and far between. What a joy-filled day it was and one that will carry us through until the next one - most likely the end of August when we all get together again.

Paddling off into the sunset . . .


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