The Fourth Rung of the Ladder

My brother shared an analogy with me last night. He used a ladder to describe our motives and attitude behind why we do the things we do. The first rung of the ladder is out of fear, the second is out of duty (checking the box), and the third is because we love the person. The fourth and final rungs are because we love God.

I had this analogy in my thoughts this morning as I read 1 Nephi 8. In particular, look at verses 24-25, 28 and compare them to verse 30 thinking about the ladder analogy. What is the difference between these two groups? All of them pressed forward, then caught hold of the rod, and continued pressing forward through the mists of darkness. One group clung to the rod and the other group continually held fast, but both groups had hold of the rod. It is what happens after that makes all the difference.

President Packer taught the following about the word after in relation to this chapter. “One word in this dream or vision should have special meaning to you young Latter-day Saints. The word is after. It was after the people had found the tree that they became ashamed, and because of the mockery of the world they fell away. … At your baptism and confirmation, you took hold of the iron rod. But you are never safe. It is after you have partaken of that fruit that your test will come” (Boyd K. Packer, “Lehi’s Dream and You,” BYU Devotional, 16 January 2007).

Both groups partook of the fruit, but the first group then became ashamed and fell away while the second group fell down prior to partaking. Think about it: why would they fall down if they were aiming to pick the fruit? (see 3 Nephi 11:12, 17, 19) Which rung do you think the second group is on?

I believe they were on the fourth rung – their love of God was the motive for why they did the things they did. So, how do we climb to this fourth and final rung?

Both groups look the same on the outside. They were both on the path and had hold of the rod. Both groups wanted what Christ was offering them and entered into a covenant relationship. I think the difference lies in having a relationship with Him. The second group recognized Him because they had a relationship with Him. They fell down and worshiped at His feet because they already knew Him. I believe it comes down to their motive – their love of God.

Who is Jesus Christ to me?
And how does He influence my life each and every day?
What can I do today to strengthen my relationship with Him?
Are the things I’m doing today helping me draw closer to Christ?

"Every Knee Shall Bow" by J. Kirk Richards


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