New Year Reflection
The coming of a new year always has been a time of self-reflecting for me. Where am I now, and where do I want to be next year? What did I learn last year, and how can I do better next year? It usually takes me a few weeks of processing to feel like I’ve captured everything. My reflection this month has been different than any other before – I think in large part because last year was unlike any I’ve seen before. There’s been a heaviness in my reflection this year I have not experienced in prior years. So many words could be used to sum up last year, but the one that seems to encompass it all is divisive. It seems everything and everyone are being divided in extremes that I personally have never seen before. I’ve had the recurring thought over and over the last few months that there are so many “ites” among us right now (see 4 Nephi 1:17). At a time when we should be pulling together, so many have fallen victim to division. The constant cacophony and discord around us have led to ev...